by Die Auster Bunny
The song "Door" is a broken love letter to the "Hippocratic Oath". It was written about one night, when a woman I thought I knew, was brutally hospitalized, while all the doctors around her were breaking every human rights one can think of. An army of willows then came together to try and open the door to justice. Did we succeed? Well… That's a story for another song..
New Music Coming Soon — 8/31/2021 Released 2021

Album tracks

  • 1
    Door (clip)
    Die Auster Bunny & Die Auster Bunny
  • 2
    Door (Tavor Nakash - Remix) [feat. Tavor Nakash] (clip)
    Die Auster Bunny
  • 3
    Door (Instrumental Version) (clip)
    Die Auster Bunny
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